Justification of the project
Indoor plants have always decorated people's lives. This is a piece of wildlife that a person seeks to move closer to himself. They delight our eyes, impress with their lively and juicy colors.
A British study found that most people keep at least five to six houseplants at home. At the same time, 36% of respondents explained that this attribute perfectly complements the decor of the room, and 34% said that they love indoor plants for their therapeutic effect and ability to purify the air.
Ethnobotanist James Wong, after reviewing the research results, confirmed that plants lift people's spirits. It's all about the rich green color. It reduces stress levels and increases a person's self-esteem. The botanist stressed that communication with representatives of the flora has a positive effect not only on the mental, but also on the physical health of people. In his opinion, caring for potted flowers is a great way to train mindfulness. Caring about something or someone, a person thinks less about anxious moments and tense situations. Russian psychologist Sofya Nartova-Bochaver has been studying the world of flora and its connection with human mental health for many years. In her scientific work, she explained that a positive attitude towards flowers and trees positively affects the basic attitudes of a person: benevolence, luck and justice.
Plants also affect the indoor microclimate. The microclimate is formed from the average temperature in the room, the presence of impurities in the air and the concentration of its main components. Modern man spends most of his time indoors. The air in the room is 4-6 times dirtier than the outside air and 8-9 times more toxic. Indoors, we are surrounded by objects and materials that emit harmful chemicals and elements.
A person needs to try to surround himself with various plants, which, actively absorbing all harmful things, also produce oxygen and have a beneficial effect on their biofield.
Thus, the goal of our project is to improve the microclimate in educational facilities and increase the level of mental health of students and teachers.
- Educational work on the influence of indoor plants on human health;
- Improving the microclimate on academic campuses;
- Improving the mental state of students and staff;
- Methods and approaches:
- The theoretical method;
- Descriptive method;
- The method of observation;
- Measurement method;
- Target audience
Students of the North Kazakhstan University named after Monash Kozybayev. It is the students who experience the greatest stress during the learning process. Stress reduces the level of attention, productivity and lowers the overall level of physical and psychological health.
Group A-23. Our group is also a target audience, because we will become agronomists in the future and the ability to observe plants will be useful to us. Also, during the work on the project, we will use some of the scientific methods and approaches.
Work strategy:
A living corner at NCSU, as a tool for non-material motivation of staff, is it possible to implement it?
We can say with 100% confidence that you have not seen a living area in the M.Kozybaev SKU. Our team believes that the appearance of such an inconspicuous detail can be of great benefit to everyone who is at the university.
Possible risks in the implementation of the project
- The main risk is related to our lack of experience as agronomists. If we make mistakes, we can accidentally ruin plants, choose unsuitable species, or put them in unfavorable places.
- Also, one of the risks may be a shortage or incorrect assessment of finances. Due to the need to purchase a large amount of materials, raw materials and seedlings, it is very easy to miss some factor and incorrectly allocate financial resources.